Monday, July 21, 2008

Girls Camp 2008

Every summer Michelle looks with great anticipation to Girls Camp. She absolutely loves it and can hardly wait to go. The dates for camp this year were July 7th - July 11th and it was held at the Ensign Ranch which is located up near Snoqualmie Pass.

In our stake they separate the girls by their year of camp. For instance all the first year girls stay together and all the second year girls stay together etc. Michelle loves it that way because as much as she loves the girls in our ward, she really enjoys getting to know all the other girls in the stake that are her age.

Anyway, she had a blast. Since this was her fourth year camp started with a 12 mile hike up a mountain and then an overnight stay with the other fourth year girls. It was a lot of work but as you can see from the pictures, the girls all survived and were even smiling when they reached the top.

The following day they joined the rest of the stake at the Ensign Ranch where they enjoyed a week of waterslides, horseback riding, crafts, skits and of course lots of laughing and even a little bit of crying.
I am so grateful for the youth programs of the church and for leaders who are so willing to sacrifice their time to build up and care for these girls.

Next year...YCL!! Yee haw!

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