Monday, July 7, 2008

Our Missionary Is Coming Home!

Our son Matthew has been serving in the Mexico-Tijuana Mission for the past 23 months. He will be returning home on August 5th and we are so excited to see him. I marvel every week at the outstanding and dedicated missionary he has become. In fact, yesterday I was reminded of it once again. There was a sister that lives in Utah that called us. She said that every year her and her husband along with a group on youth, travel to Tijuana to build houses for families in need. While she was there she had the opportunity to meet and work with our son. She said she was so impressed with his dedication and love for the Mexican people and she said he truly has the light and spirit of Christ in him. She said his leadership skills and mentorship of the younger elders will truly be missed in the mission. She said she wanted to call me and tell me what an outstanding person Matthew is and that we should be very proud of him. Indeed we are and we can not wait to welcome him back in our home and partake of his sweet spirit. He will be coming home on August 5th. We do not know all the details yet but the countdown is on! Only 29 days to go!


Anonymous said...

That is great, but we all knew Matthew was exceptional! Can't wait to see him at the airport!

The Keenan Family said...

We have a count down at our house! Terence is so excited to see Tijs again. I love greeting missionaries at the airport!

Bob and Karen Lutz said...

Was there any doubt? We are so excited to see Matthew again. We have had some awesome missionaries in our family. He is another great example to the younger members of the family.

The VanderHoevens said...

Matthew is destined for big things. We love him and can't wait to see him again! He has been missed these past two years.