Friday, June 27, 2008

Fall Planning....Already!

Even as the days are warming up and summer is upon us, it is time for us enrichment leaders around the globe to start thinking of Super Saturday and what fun craft projects we can plan. Our ward in Bonney Lake always makes a big deal about Super Saturday. For the past several weeks our planning team has been meeting trying to come up with the most fun, trendy, inspiring, educational projects that we possibly can. So far we have about 9 things planned. We are all working now to price and recreate them for our next meeting in July. Here are a few of the things we are doing. I will post more pictures after our next meeting. I would love to have any of your ideas. What have you done in the past that have been succesful in your ward? What worked well and what did not? Oh, and if any of you want to come, it is taking place on October 18th. You of course are more than welcome or we can plan another Super Family Craft Saturday for later on.

1. Painted set of 3 small pumpkin goards. This are really cute to put on a shelf or on an entry hall table. (no picture yet)

2. Decorated Halloween treat bowl - this is basically a wooden bowl spray painted black and then you cut Halloween scrapbook paper in geometrical shapes and decorate the inside of the bowl. Then you decopage the whole bowl and it is SUPER cute! (no picture yet)

3. Family Blocks - pictured below but we will also have the same blocks that say BELIEVE and HARVEST in holiday colors of course.

4. Favorite Things magnetic board - We will be making the boards as well as the cute magnets. There will be two choices. One will say "THESE ARE A FEW OF MY FAVORITE THINGS" and the other with say "MY GREATEST BLESSINGS CALL ME GRANDMA".

5. Hand stitched primative pillows and signs. These are signs and pillows you stitch on muslin and either turn into pillow or frame them and turn them into pictures. CUTE! (no picture yet)

6. Large Family board - This one your can just hang in your house or on your front porch.

7. Birthday card file - This is a handy file you can keep in your purse to help you remember birthdays and other special dates (no picture yet)

8. Scripture signs - The one pictured is the youth theme for this year but we will be doing two other ones that we have not decided on yet.

9. I can't remember this one but I know it was cute! (no picture yet)


Anonymous said...

LOVE them all, We are planning one this fall too so I may have to steal some of your ideas. If we don't make them in our ward I want to make them in yours!!!

Sirrine said...

I love that "Favorite Things" one!